Presented by Mark Phillips
We found this article that we thought was interesting about
the savings situation of seniors. Particularly disturbing is that one-quarter
of the Medicare beneficiaries have less than $11,300 in their retirement and
financial accounts.

While our practice is focused on designing and implementing retirement income for clients of moderate to high means we understand that there are some people in your life, that matter a lot to you, that are in this group with very limited means. For you as our clients we urge you to have them meet once off with us such that we might help them focus on those behaviors that may help them not slip into a financial black hole.
Of course we
welcome an introduction to your friends of moderately to high means as they too
want to maximize their “lifestyle” with the resources, and to manage the risk
in their life going forward.
We are here
to help create financial stability and security for you and your friends.Access the full Article - Enjoy!
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